Monday, July 20, 2009

Vancouver - Cathedral Grove - Nanaimo (14)

Sunday morning we decided to tour downtown Vancouver and the surrounding area. Vancouver is a stunning city, filled with skyscrapers, and surrounded by both mountains and the bright blue waters of the inland channel.

Many of today's pictures were taken from Stanley Park which is on the north end of the city, near The Lion's Gate Bridge, which leads to North Vancouver. The park is filled with old growth fir, flowers, and amazing scenic vistas. It is nothing short of beautiful!

It is almost impossible to take a picture in Vancouver that does not include a marina. Marina's surround the city.

After spending the morning sightseeing in downtown Vancouver, we turned our attention to Horseshoe Bay for the ferry crossing to Nanaimo, Vancouver Island.

Yet another beautiful marina surrounds Horseshoe Bay, the sight of the British Colombia Ferry Landing.

The many motorcycles, cars, RV's and trucks, waiting to load the ferry. We were both amazed at how many vehicles our ferry, The Coastal Renaissance, could safely carry. Kevin, notice the 650 V Strom in front. We have seen V Stroms everywhere.

The view aft, leaving Vancouver, and the Canadian mainland, bound for Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. The ferry ride across the Strait of Georgia took one hour and forty minutes and is only 30 nautical miles. We filled our time exploring the seven deck ferry, and eating in the dining room.

After arriving on the island at Nanaimo, we quickly found a room and departed for The Cathedral Grove near Port Alberni, 52 miles to the northwest.

This Douglas Fir Forest contains some of the largest trees in Canada and instills the same reverence in one, that the Redwoods do. The trees are between 300 and 800 years old, and many reach a height of nearly 300 ft.

Several of the trees are between 25 and 30 ft in circumference. After walking this peaceful grove, we drove back to Nanaimo for the evening.

A note to our daughter;

Your mother continues to hold true to form. Her favorite place is always the last place she has been. I thought I would have to drag her kicking and screaming out of Vancouver.... LOL To say she loves Vancouver would be a major understatement!

People living deeply have no fear of death. ~Anais Nin~

Life is never easy for those who dream. ~Robert James Waller~


  1. You know, they're filming a REALLY big movie in Vancouver?

  2. Garnet said...
    You know, they're filming a REALLY big movie in Vancouver?

    Any idea what the name of it is?

  3. Ha! Just like Mom.

    Some of the Twilight series is shooting in Vancouver.

    I've always heard it was amazing!

  4. Pretty well said..!!

    Shelly Smith..
    Vancouver Flowers
