Monday, August 3, 2009

Paducah (We're Home)

We spent the night in Columbia, MO and, this morning, took a driving tour of the University of Missouri campus before departing.

We continued east to St. Louis via I-70, where we turned south, down the west side of the Mississippi River, stopping in Cape Girardeau, MO for lunch. From there it was a short 80-mile hop home, arriving around 1:30 pm.

The total miles driven during the trip was 9,149 and we were gone 28 days.

It should be noted; Carolyn is in a blue funk and already planning the next trip... LOL

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

~Mark Twain~

1 comment:

  1. Hello - have just come across your blog while blog hopping - wow what beautiful pictures- how lucky you are to have such "big scenery" to wonder at and the time to see it. I have really enjoyed looking through your pics - hope you don't mind. I just hope my Husband and I can travel one day when the kids have left home and the mortgage is paid up. Loved the pictures of the gardens- they looked how I imagine heaven to look!--- beautiful. Thanks for sharing, happy travels.
